cake freak AKA gym freak

Friday, July 31, 2009

Am I too pessimistic?

I slept soundly as everyone always notices about that. I did reset my alarm, it didn't work by the way. Dreamless night, I slept without any nightmare, without any reminder of school day in my mind. I opened my eyes, looking out the window and noticed that it was so bright outside. I refreshed my mind and thinking that if today was a school day. Suddenly, a word "PM exam" came to my mind. Without second thought, I rushed off to the toilet, got everything ready and went to school . My last glance at the clock, 7.15am. Whatever, better than absent. I arrived school, I pushed the gate door. At the gate, I heard Mr Tan's voice, very loud and scary. I noticed somebody were sitting on the bench and gesturing to me,telling me not to go straight through the hall to the class. I walked into my class, teacher was teaching, but I would not listen to her. Bell rang. PM test. Ms. Tan distributed the paper and I was feeling so edgy and stressful . This is always my weakness. Once I get nervous, I will forget what I have learnt. Well , slowly, I listed out 12 moral values. I completed it. But, my instinct told me that, my effort for this test was not enough. whatever, I will work hard. I received an email from a community of christianity. I earned a word from there. "GROWTH"

G – Go to God in prayer daily (John 15:7)
R – Read God’s Word daily (Acts 17:11) – begin with the gospel of John
O – Obey God moment by moment (John 14:21)
W – Witness for Christ by your life and word (Matthew 4:19 & John 15:8)
T – Trust God with every detail of your life (1 Peter 5:7)
H – Holy Spirit – Allow Him to control and empower your daily life and witness (Galatians 5:16-17; Acts 1:8)

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